Für die Verstärkung der AG Nanomaterialcharakterisierung (Streumethoden) des Lehrstuhls für Kristallographie und Strukturphysik (LKS) der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) suchen wir eine/einen Doktorandin/en (TVL 3/4 E13) zur Untersuchung aktiver Schichten organischer Solarzel...
Real-time GIWAXS/GISAXS studies reveal details of the formation and post processing processes of active layers of bulk-heterojunction organic solar cells. In three recent publications deep insights into thin film structure formation is presented and the impact of GIWAXS and GISAXS methodologies for ...
How can nanoparticles or thin films be characterized using scattering methods?
These and other questions were answered in the 5th CENEM Summer School for X-ray Scattering which took place from 29th July to 1st August 2019 at the Institute for Crystallography and Structural Physics (ICSP) in Erlan...
A worldwide unique instrument (SAXS/SANS), developed and built at ICSP, allows simultaneous small angle scattering experiments with neutrons and X-rays at the Institut Laue-Languevin (ILL) in Grenoble (France). Prof. Dr. Tobias Unruh explains in an interview with "Welt der Physik" the application fi...
Structural investigations on nanoparticles are typically performed either by X-ray- or neutron scattering methods. A new device now couples the two established investigation methods for nanoparticles. In future, samples will be examined using X-ray and neutron diffraction techniques simultaneously.