
Am 21.4.2024 ist der Lebensweg von gut 92 Jahren für Hans Burzlaff zu Ende gegangen. Geboren am 19.2.1932 in Schlawe in Pommern, war seine Kindheit und Jugend von Krieg und Nachkrieg mit Flucht und Vertreibung überschattet. In Schleswig-Holstein fand die Familie eine neue Heimat, wo er seine Schulau...

Category: Allgemein, News

After 3 years of Corona lockdowns and social distancing, we could organize a student excursion again: the visit at the Research Neutron Source Heinz Maier-Leibnitz, FRM II, at TU Munich took place on February 1st, 2023 with Integrated Life Science and Physics students and some guests. The Unruh grou...

Category: Allgemein, News, News of the Unruh group

For a joint research program between the Crystallography group (Prof. R. Neder) at the FAU, Erlangen, Germany and the Crystallochemistry group at the University of Warsaw, Poland we seek a PhD student. Phd_student_2023

Category: Allgemein, News, News Neder

The Erlangen/Latin-American network to characterize challenging materials will run an on-line DISCUS tutorial Nov/Dec 2022. 46 students from German and Latin-American universities will participate in this school.

Category: Allgemein, News, News Neder